Plastic free july: a global call to reduce plastic use

July once again brings with it the arrival of the Plastic Free July initiative to encourage people to reduce or eliminate the use of plastic and involves millions of participants including citizens, schools, local governments and companies

Plastic Free July is back, urging people worldwide to reduce or eliminate plastic use throughout the month of July. This initiative, started in Australia in 2011 by the Western Metropolitan Regional Council and environmentalist Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, has quickly spread globally, engaging millions of participants including citizens, schools, local governments, and businesses.

Raising awareness and promoting sustainable practices

The goal of Plastic Free July is to raise awareness about the damage caused by single-use plastics and to promote more sustainable practices. The event provides practical tips for reducing plastic waste in daily life, whether at home, work, school, or in public places. Each year, millions of participants accept the challenge to live a plastic-free month, seeking alternative solutions and advocating for change.

The Growing Problem of Plastic Pollution

The issues related to plastic pollution are well known. Plastic production has increased exponentially in recent decades, bringing harmful substances that contaminate the environment.

Seas and oceans are increasingly polluted, causing the deaths of millions of marine animals each year. Moreover, burning plastic releases a significant amount of CO2 into the atmosphere, hindering efforts to meet carbon reduction goals by 2050.

Engaging companies and governments

Plastic Free July not only raises consumer awareness but also emphasizes the crucial role of businesses and governments. Research indicates that only 56 companies are responsible for more than half of branded plastic pollution. Companies benefit from the lower costs of using plastic compared to other alternatives, but systemic change is essential to effectively address this environmental crisis.

How to prepare for Plastic Free July

To participate in Plastic Free July, it’s advisable to prepare in advance. June is the perfect month to start assembling a reusable kit, finding stores that sell unpackaged products or bulk foods, and learning to refuse single-use plastics. Small steps can lead to significant changes during July.

Tips and tricks for a successful challenge

Participants can sign up on the official website to receive weekly tips and tricks to stay motivated during the challenge. By joining this initiative, we can all help reduce plastic pollution and create a more sustainable future.

Source: Plastic Free July Challenge

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