The critical role of vitamin b6 in preventing tumor aggressiveness

Recent research conducted by the biology and biotechnology departments of the Sapienza University of Rome, in collaboration with the Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory of the Santa Lucia Foundation, has revealed a correlation between vitamin B6 deficiency and the development of malignant tumors.

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble compound with antioxidant properties, essential for the proper functioning of enzymes involved in numerous metabolic reactions. A deficiency in this vitamin can lead to DNA damage and chromosomal abnormalities, thereby increasing the risk of developing tumors.

Vitamin B6 is found in many common foods, including poultry, fish, spinach, potatoes, and legumes. Deficiencies in this vitamin are rare in developed countries but can occur due to certain medications, alcohol abuse, or conditions such as diabetes and malabsorption syndromes.

The study

The study examined the role of Vitamin B6 for the first time and demonstrated that a deficiency in this vitamin can transform benign tumors, caused by the oncogene RasV12, into more aggressive tumors capable of producing metastases.

The experiment allowed scientists to monitor the progression of tumors and metastases. After reducing Vitamin B6 levels, an increase in the aggressiveness of the tumors was observed.

Researchers predict that the study could be used in the future to explore how the deficiency of other micronutrients might influence tumor formation and metastasis.

The results highlighted the importance of monitoring Vitamin B6 levels and considering genome integrity as a potential predictive indicator in cases of deficiency. Furthermore, the study reinforces the crucial role of diet in preventing malignant tumors.

Source: Cell Death & Desease

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