No more dead phones: new nuclear battery could power devices for 50 years

Chinese scientists have developed a nuclear battery that can produce energy for 50 years without recharging, using the radioactive isotope nickel-63. Called the "BV100" and less than the size of a coin, it could in the future eliminate the need to charge devices such as smartphones.

Chinese scientists have built a revolutionary prototype of a nuclear battery capable of producing electricity as long as 50 years without ever needing to be recharged.

The technology behind this super battery has its power source in the form of a radioactive isotope and is slated to be the world’s first commercially available, as representatives of Betavolt-be it noted-have indicated.

The ‘BV100’ is smaller than a coin, measured at 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.2 in (15 x 15 x 5 mm); the battery produces 100 microwatts of power by using nickel-63 that decays into copper. In generation’s time, this battery will rule out the need to recharge if approved for use within devices like smartphones, the company representatives say.

Yet some University of Florida scientists are a little skeptical. While the atomic battery holds great promise for such applications as pacemakers, its tiny size means that it contains relatively little radioactive isotope-which results in only about 0.01% of the electricity needed by a smart phone being produced.

Nuclear batteries: a well-established technology

Actually, nuclear batteries are nothing new. First developed in the early 1950s, they had harnessed the energy released when isotopes decay into other elements; so long as the radioactive element continues to decay, the battery will continue producing energy. This means that nuclear batteries can last decades and are often utilized in powering spaceships or automated scientific stations where equipment may be left unattended for years beyond counting-as well as the aforementioned pacemakers.

Fighting planned obsolescence in batteries

Planned obsolescence of batteries is a major concern in Europe. Last year, the European Union adopted new regulations that strengthen sustainability standards for batteries-and associated waste-and govern their whole lifecycle, from production to reuse and recycling.

Source: Betavolt

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