The impact of tree cutting on wildlife: a stark reality

The video of the felling of a tree makes us understand all the nature it hosts within it, with the birds that resided there that died when they crashed to the ground

We cannot comprehend the falling of one tree, how it crushes not only that but the entire ecosystem dependent on the tree. This video taken below has gone viral on the internet and pretty well describes the tragic consequences of deforestation.

For many years, it had been a home to numerous birds, small mammals, and countless other life forms. It wasn’t just a piece of wood and leaves; it was a habitat carefully contrived and a safe haven for the creatures that play a vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.

Unfortunately, with the powerful axe strikes and buzzing chainsaw, the life inside this tree has been brought to an abrupt end. Whereas some birds could fly away, others lost their “home,” though many fell on the asphalt ground and died due to the impact of the fall.

The fate of our planet is in our hands, and we are destroying It

This video is a silent scream from nature, showing us what is being lost and just how important it is. The tree was part of an ecosystem, yet another one of the many that are continually being destroyed in the name of progress, due to reasons of profit, or simple indifference.

But the question here now is, what is the essence of all these developments if it costs the loss of that which makes us truly alive? We receive from them oxygen, they absorb carbon dioxide, keep us shaded from the sun, provide shelter for all living things, and beautify the world. Yet they still fall under the axe of our persistent crusade.

We are blind to the fact that the world is not our private preserve. Trees, animals, birds, even insects-they all live in a delicate balance that we upset. And for every action taken, there is a reaction. Every tree that falls, every forest that has been cleared, every habitat that is destroyed is a step toward a world that is poorer, emptier, less bright.

If we do not start taking care of what is left of that world, if we do not respect and take care of life surrounding us, then we are at risk of becoming helpless witnesses of our self-destruction. Now more than ever, we must feel in our hearts the understanding that the future of the planet depends on our own actions. As this video shows, saving a tree means saving an entire world of life. Let’s take care of what we have left, while there’s still time.

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