Innovative solution prevents hair loss during chemotherapy

Lily, an innovative helmet developed by Luminate Medical, reduces hair loss by up to 75%, improving patients' quality of life and giving them back some serenity

Among various other distressing side effects, chemotherapy results in hair loss among many of its patients. Thousands of people undergo this grievous change in their physical appearance every year, which considerably affects their self-image and self-confidence. Irish startup Luminate Medical has a possible solution to reduce this problem considerably with its Lily cap.

A cap that prevents hair loss during chemotherapy

The Lily cap invented by Luminate Medical applies equal pressure to the scalp, reducing the delivery of chemotherapy drugs to the hair follicles. This non-invasive approach can be worn comfortably at home, with early results indicating up to a 75% reduction in hair loss. According to Aaron Hannon, chief executive at Luminate Medical, early trials have witnessed patients undergoing multiple chemotherapy sessions retain a full head of hair, whereupon positive feedback on improved experiences while undergoing treatment has been well received.

The company conducted several clinical tests, which already testified not only to the effectiveness of the device but also to serious side effects not existing. Though the Lily cap has not been approved yet by the FDA, Luminate Medical feels very optimistic about receiving this certification soon. Another future for the Lily cap is its extended use at home and further making this innovative approach easier and more accessible for the patients with cancer.


The article draws upon studies published and recommendations from international institutions and/or experts. We do not make claims in the medical-scientific field and report the facts as they are. Sources are indicated at the end of each article.
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