Surprising number of viruses found in toothbrushes and showerheads, new study shows

New research has revealed that toothbrushes and shower heads harbor over 600 viruses, many of which are unknown or poorly studied.

According to this new study by researchers from Northwestern University, published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiomes, such toothbrushes and showerheads host upwards of 600 viruses, some of which had never been found before.

These everyday items- common and supposedly clean because of their frequent contact with water-actually have microbial life thriving on them. In reality, this study has given insight into a hidden world of microbial biodiversity in our homes.

Using advanced DNA sequencing, these researchers analyzed 92 showerhead samples and 34 toothbrushes collected from across the United States and were astonished to find an “absolutely incredible” number of viruses. Many were either unknown viruses or viruses about which very little is known, again an indication of how little we know about many of the microbial assemblages we share our lives with.

Virus involvement in controlling bacterial growth

Some of the viruses detected were bacteriophages, viruses infecting bacteria. They are important in regulating bacterial populations and may have great implications for our health based on their control of bacterial growth. Such viruses could provide therapeutic benefits in the future as well.

All in all, bacteriophages give medicine the opportunity to treat infections that are resistant to antibiotics. Second, the microbes on showerheads and toothbrushes proved to be considerably different from one another.

The microbiomes of the toothbrush are more diverse than in the showerheads, since they come into contact with the bacteria from the oral cavity and food remnants, as well as other environmental organisms. However, the amazing results were seen in the viruses that were present during the sampling, which proved to have very few similar types between one sample and the next. Each toothbrush and showerhead is literally its own separate microbial world.

Most microorganisms are not health-threatening

However, Hartmann assured that the higher quantity of them was not dangerous to human life. Moreover, excessive reliance on disinfectants may result in microbial resistance, which would render these microorganisms resistant to elimination. Instead, Hartmann proposed that humans should learn to co-exist with microbes, since they form part of the environment.

Source: Frontiers

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