The ‘TikTok tush’ phenomenon and why experts say it’s unhealthy

If you want to prevent the “TikTok Tush” and the onset of hemorrhoids, when you are on the toilet it is better to stay focused on why you are there and not get caught up in prolonged scrolling sessions

Spending too much time on the toilet can indeed be very unhealthy, and one of the main culprits is social media-on the likes of TikTok. “TikTok Tush” epitomizes a growing trend in modern times: taking your smartphone to the bathroom and spending quite some time scrolling through social content.

However, this practice should not be jokingly taken because experts caution that, in the long run, it will result in excessive pressure on the veins in the anal area, which might lead to hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and rectum that cause discomfort, itching, pain, and sometimes bleeding. While they may be self-healing, hemorrhoids more often than not require medical treatment and, in worst cases, surgery.

As American gastroenterologist Dr. David L. Schwarzbaum explains, long sitting on the toilet allows the blood to consolidate in the lower body, which increases the pressure in the vessels of the anus and creates excellent conditions for the appearance of hemorrhoids.

The 10-15 minute rule

So, too, has gastroenterologist Dr. Joe, a popular presence on TikTok for his health advice, who cautioned against the dangers of sitting on the toilet for too long, urging his followers to avoid long scrolling sessions in the bathroom.

A simple solution to overcome this problem is Dr. Schwarzbaum’s “10-15 minute rule“. He suggests allowing only 10-15 minutes in the bathroom at one sitting and discourages taking cell phones or other devices that would prolong sitting.

For those who must take a break, Schwarzbaum recommends sitting in an ordinary chair rather than on the toilet to avoid putting undue pressure on anal veins. For those who would strictly limit the risk, colorectal surgeon Karen Zaghiyan recommends that each bathroom session last no longer than five minutes.

More than timing advice, doctors recommend creating a practical toilet habit with limited distractions. Having abstained from the use of one’s cell phone while in the bathroom will prevent issues like hemorrhoids and is healthier and more mindful for the individual.

The article draws upon studies published and recommendations from international institutions and/or experts. We do not make claims in the medical-scientific field and report the facts as they are. Sources are indicated at the end of each article.
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