Stuart Duncan, a single father from Canada, creates a minecraft community for autistic kids

Stuart Duncan ha creato Autcraft, un server dove i bambini autistici – come il suo – possono giocare a Minecraft senza timore di essere emarginati o molestati

This Ontario single dad has turned his love of Minecraft into an unbelievable resource for autistic kids everywhere and their families. So, in 2013, after finding that his son Cameron-so on in the spectrum himselfcould hardly ever be free to play on public Minecraft servers due to bullying, Stuart decided to build a dedicated server exclusively for these kids. He called it Autcraft.

The goal was clear: a place where autistic kids could play, safe from the possibility of shut-out or other persecution by others. Autcraft has repeatedly been called a positive, respectful place where kids don’t mistreat other players, and when disputes arise, moderators make peace, rather than punish.

A haven of self-expression and exploration

He wanted kids to have a place where they could be themselves, experiment with the game, and interact with other players without the fear of being bullied—a common occurrence on public servers. The server became an instant success. Within days of opening, about 750 people attempted to join.

Stuart created a community of hundreds of kids

In less than a decade, this server has opened its doors to over 17,000 players in an area which satisfies the intense demand for a safe gaming environment for children with autism. Through Stuart’s passion and perseverance, Autcraft has evolved from a dream to an honest-to-goodness community-those who bond over gameplay also uplift one another in significant ways.

Autcraft is more than a gaming server; it is therapeutic for kids. Free-play and creative building in Minecraft have been proven to aid in communication and social interactions for autistic children. Stuart himself has shared how Minecraft became a bridge of communication to his son, Cameron, which allowed him to step into Cameron’s world and better understand his needs and preferences.

Recognized both by the gaming industry and researchers

Beyond running the server, Stuart Duncan has become an outspoken autism awareness spokesperson. He gives speeches at conferences, writes articles, and continues to fight for the autistic community. Autcraft has even gained recognition from Mojang-the developer of Minecraft-and is now being studied by researchers for its psychological and social benefits for autistic children.

Meanwhile, Stuart is working full-time on this and proves that passion, dedication, and love for a child can make what seemed to be but a simple video game turn into a very useful tool for many.

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