The fate of drinking water is tied to rising sea levels: here’s what you need to know

Drinking water is such an easily accessible good for us that we don't even realize how inaccessible it is for billions of people around the world, but, due to the rise in sea levels, within a few years it may also be less accessible for us: here's why

NASA’s map shows rising sea levels

NASA has developed the Sea Level Projection Tool, a feature that allows users to visualize how sea levels will rise in different regions over the coming years. Simply select the area and timeframe of interest, and you’ll get an estimate. For instance, by 2100, sea levels in Naples are projected to rise by 24 inches, and in Venice by 27 inches.

What we may not comprehend while using these maps is that this is our future reality—it is not a television series or a video game.

Rising sea levels: what about drinking water?

Besides the obvious destruction of coastlines and low-lying islands—resulting in unimaginable devastation for local communities—there is also another problem: drinking water.

When sea levels rise, the pressure of the salt water increases, whereby it can infiltrate wells and underground freshwater aquifers. As known, this is saltwater intrusion, which has compromised water quality and rendered it undrinkable or unsuitable for agriculture.

When saltwater infiltrates the farmland, soil salinity rises and agricultural yields drastically decrease. Furthermore, flooding in coastal areas due to rising sea levels can also cause damage to infrastructure related to the treatment and distribution of water, which is often located in the lowest elevation areas in a region, further threatening access to safe drinking water.

Water is not infinite

Of all the Earth’s water, only 3% is freshwater and an even smaller percentage is drinkable.

Today, around 2 billion people lack daily access to safe drinking water. By 2050, half of the world’s population will live in basin areas under water stress.

The article draws upon studies published and recommendations from international institutions and/or experts. We do not make claims in the medical-scientific field and report the facts as they are. Sources are indicated at the end of each article.
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