A race against time: rescuing a mother elephant and her calf from a well

Mission accomplished in Kenya, where mother elephant and baby were brought to safety from a deep well. The operation involved shepherds and staff from a wildlife organisation, who worked side by side to rescue the pachyderms

Saved through the desperate race of time between life and death, a mother elephant and her calf were saved from a well in Kenya in time before it became too late. This alarm was raised by the KWS Company Commander of Ranches and sent out a request to the NGO Sheldrick Wildlife Trust for intervention.

Early this month, the report came from the Kuranze Ranch area bordering Tanzania; the local village herders had spotted a mother elephant and her calf trapped in one of the many wells in the region.

Upon arrival, a situation that was even more critical than previously envisaged confronted the veterinary team. The two elephants were completely exhausted and trying to keep their trunks above the water so they could breathe. This is wasting lots of energy, and they would not have lasted that much longer.

Something had to be done to save these two unfortunate animals before it was too late. Rescue operations follow no particular rule, as they depend not only on the concrete case but above all on the characteristics of the terrain surrounding it.

Sometimes, a grader is used to fill the cavities with soil and create steps. Other times, water is pumped from nearby tanks into the well to allow the animals to escape as the water level rises.

The latter option was the most viable, considering the time factor. However, the baby first needed attention. Herders and veterinarians collaborated in lifting the calf and moving him further to avoid causing more stress to his mother.

With the calf safely out, the team turned their attention to the adult. Ropes, water truck, and a Land Rover pulled her out of this well. Back together, mother and calf were immediately reunited.

Part of the staff at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust followed the two elephants by helicopter and were able to capture the very moment they were reunited. Mother elephant made sure her calf was fine before heading back towards the herd.

The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is well-acquainted with the region and with those wells, sometimes dangerous traps for wildlife. With every phone call for an emergency, veterinarians, wardens, and volunteers alike are ready to step in and complete the mission. There is nothing more rewarding.

Source: Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

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