A rare pink elephant calf spotted in Kruger National Park, South Africa

A one-year-old baby elephant was photographed in South Africa. He is different from his peers as his skin is very light (and pink). Due to these extremely rare characteristics, the baby elephant would be vulnerable, but his group has accepted him fully

In an extraordinary sighting within the expanse of Kruger National Park in South Africa, a rare pink elephant calf was seen in the comforting company of its mother and fellow elephants. The calf’s unique color has captured the hearts and attention of wildlife enthusiasts and experts alike.

The remarkable discovery was made in the heart of the protected area, where a herd of elephants was observed relaxing near a waterhole, with two of the calves playfully engaging with each other. Safari guide Theo Potgieter was fortunate to capture these stunning and heartwarming images.

Elephants are typically known for their grey skin, but this young calf stands out with its extremely pale, pink skin. Experts believe that the calf, approximately one year old, is afflicted with albinism, a genetic condition characterized by the absence or significant reduction of melanin pigment.

Albinism in wild mammals is exceedingly rare. However, Potgieter has been lucky enough to witness other albino elephants within the confines of Kruger National Park. He notes that albinism makes these animals more vulnerable, particularly because the condition can cause vision problems, potentially impacting their ability to forage for food.

Despite these challenges, the herd does not shun the albino calf. On the contrary, similar to other albino elephants observed, this calf is fully accepted by its peers. The elephants appear to embrace it without reservation.

“In both recent sightings of different individuals, the rest of the herd seemed to be highly protective and patient towards these young members. It’s always a privilege to observe these incredibly rare and special animals,” Potgieter shared.

Elephant calves are most susceptible to predator attacks. An albino elephant might struggle more with camouflage, but it knows it can rely on the support of its herd.

Elephants are highly social and intelligent creatures. They live in groups, forming strong bonds and relationships, and even call each other by name. This recent sighting is a testament to the complex social structures and inclusivity of elephant societies, highlighting the beauty and diversity of wildlife in Kruger National Park.

Source: Theo Potgieter/Facebook

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