African parks reintroduces 2,000 southern white rhinos in major conservation effort

The NGO African Parks has begun reintroducing 2,000 southern white rhinos into their natural habitat after purchasing them from a farm

The decision by the NGO African Parks to purchase and reintroduce 2,000 southern white rhinos into their natural habitat marks a significant advancement in the conservation of this species, which is on the brink of extinction.

This massive effort has been made possible by financial support from donations, enabling the NGO to acquire the world’s largest white rhino breeding farm. This farm was previously owned by John Hume, a South African magnate who supported the trade of rhino horns.

The southern white rhino is the second-largest land mammal on the planet, primarily found in South Africa, home to about 93% of the wild population. However, the constant threat of poaching has endangered these magnificent animals, with the northern white rhino declared extinct in 2018.

One of the largest conservation efforts ever undertaken

The primary goal of this ambitious “return to nature” program is to protect the rhinos and preserve their species, allowing them to thrive in their natural habitats. This strategy involves the gradual release of the animals into protected and well-managed areas, where they can be safe from poachers.

African Parks’ initiative represents one of the largest conservation efforts ever undertaken on the continent. It aims not only to protect southern white rhinos but also to restore their crucial role in natural ecosystems.

Effective conservation measures adopted in the past have allowed the southern white rhino population to recover from extremely low numbers in the 1930s, when their numbers dwindled to 30-40 individuals.

However, poaching for their horns continues to pose a significant threat to the survival of these creatures. Now, after a long period of preparation, the release of the animals into their natural habitat has begun, marking a significant step forward in the fight against this criminal practice and in the conservation of biodiversity.

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