Dogs use blinking to communicate, study reveals

A recent study from the University of Parma (Italy) has discovered that dogs use blinking as a form of communication, much like cats. Researchers observed that dogs blink more frequently when they see other dogs doing the same, suggesting a form of social mimicry.

Everyone who has a dog understands how critical it is to learn about their body language. Wagging tails to facial expressions, each gesture speaks volumes. Yet, a new study conducted at the University of Parma has uncovered an underappreciated part of dog communication: dogs use blinking to communicate, similar to cats.

Dogs use their gaze to communicate, but blinking may be another tool

Until now, it was already known that dogs use the application of eye contact in order to engage with humans. Their “puppy dog eyes” have been compared to the “Puss in Boots effect,” a trick that pulls heartstrings. This study, however, suggests that blinking could be another mode of communication.

Researchers observed that dogs do not blink reflexively on their own. Instead, they appear to blink intentionally, especially in the presence of other dogs or humans. For the experiment, 54 pet dogs were presented with videos of other dogs with different facial expressions, including blinking and nose licking.

It may help strengthen social bonds

The test showed that the dogs blinked more frequently when watching other dogs blink, showing some form of social mimicry. This indicates that blinking might have a significant role to play in dog communication, as well as human-dog communication. Similar to contagious yawning, it can serve as a means of improving social bonding and transferring feelings or intentions of peacefulness.

Researchers also took a reading of the dogs’ heart rate variability during the experiment and noted that the visual cues like blinking were not recorded as stressful. This suggests that not just are the dogs sensitive to the signals but also use them in relaxed social interactions.

These results confirm that dogs possess a sophisticated form of nonverbal communication. Unraveling them can make us a gooder friend to dogs by allowing us to react more suitably to their needs and emotions. So the next time your dog looks at you and blinks, it may not be accidental—it’s how they talk to you in their own silent language.

Source: Royal Society Open Science

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