Endangered fin whale hunted again as Japan resumes whaling

Japan has resumed fin whale hunting, with the first specimen considered endangered caught since 1976

It was as if the nightmare had finally come to an end. But Japan has resumed hunting the fin whale amidst wide international criticism and concerns for its conservation, as it is listed as “endangered” in the IUCN list.

This is the first catch of fin whales since 1976 and is seen as a major blow to international efforts to conserve the population of whales. Tokyo defends the capture by saying that the species is abundant, and therefore, hunting it is sustainable, though it is listed as vulnerable.

Cultural Claims and Historical Background

Japan’s push to hunt whales is steeped in history, with Japan’s government claiming whaling forms part of Japan’s traditional culture. Whaling had been limited to such species as the Minke, Bryde’s, and Sei whales, but for the first time this month, it added fin whale to the huntable species list. This follows Japan’s withdrawal from the International Whaling Commission in 2019 after it lost a vote at the IWC to end its international cooperation on the issue.

Slaughtering whales: cruel and bad for the environment

Whales are a critical component of marine food chains; they play a role in nutrient cycling and store carbon-a basic fight against global warming. Their hunting, if reopened, would be a threat to marine biodiversity and fragile ecological equilibriums. If these animals were to become extinct, it would entail disastrous consequences for the oceans and, consequently, humankind.

Besides, there is no justification for the cruelty of commercial whaling. Harpoons used in the hunt often don’t kill the whales instantly, and the animals suffer a protracted death. Despite Tokyo’s claims about whaling as an issue of food security and cultural heritage, demand for whale meat continued to decline, hovering at 1,000-2,000 tons annually-significantly below levels seen in the 1960s.

Due to this, the whaling practice has been under continuous campaigns by environmental organisations, including the International Fund for Animal Welfare, to bring it to an end. Whaling contradicts Japan’s international commitments toward the conservation of whales and is a threat to the long-term survival of fin whales, so to speak.

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