Endangered species sold at french supermarket

There was a stir in a supermarket in France, where a shark threatened with extinction was put up for sale in the fish section. The species is protected by law, but can be commercialized in some cases. For animal rights activists it is a paradox that nullifies efforts to protect endangered specimens

Once again, a protected and endangered species was put up for sale at a fish counter in a French supermarket, a detail that did not escape the notice of vigilant customers.

This incident took place in Anglet, southern France, at a Carrefour store. Several shocked shoppers photographed a thresher shark, Alopias vulpinus, displayed alongside other fish cuts.

The images were sent to Sea Shepherd France and reshared by them on social media to spark a discussion on a very controversial issue in the country: shark conservation.

While it is illegal to fish for sharks in France as they are a protected species, they can legally be sold if caught accidentally in fishing nets.

However, Sea Shepherd France claims that these accidental catches should not be the exception and accuses Carrefour of failing to uphold its commitments to sustainable fishing practices.

Carrefour is not the only retailer to have sold shark meat among its seafood products. Similar incidents occurred in France in 2019 in Argelès-sur-Mer, and then again in 2020 and 2021. This demonstrates, in simple terms, that sharks are not effectively protected.

There needs to be a measure to prevent the crafty from bypassing restrictions through accidental catches. Sea Shepherd France is actively campaigning for such a ban.

“If so-called accidental catches are not penalized and it is legal to sell them, the lack of ethics and irresponsibility of profit-driven professionals must no longer be ignored,” writes the association.

Thousands of thresher sharks are sold every year in France. Sea Shepherd France is appealing to the government to issue a ban on the commercialization of threatened and protected species, even in cases of accidental catches.

Everyone must do their part to safeguard the endangered species of this planet.

Source: Sea Shepherd France/Instagram

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