Sloths: the surprisingly dangerous animals

So quiet and so peaceful, but don't underestimate the very slow sloths. They can be dangerous, "show" their teeth to you and use them. Would you ever have said that? Yet it is so. Don't forget that it is still a wild animal

Sloths are famously known as the slowest exotic animals on Earth. Their relaxed demeanor suggests they are accommodating and gentle. However, sloths can be more dangerous than one might imagine.

It’s hard to believe this at first glance, but appearances can be deceiving, and this holds true for sloths as well. These herbivorous wild mammals are found in the rainforests of Central and South America.

Sloths lead a solitary life, a trait that helps them survive by remaining almost unnoticed among the vegetation, away from predators’ eyes. They are not suited for a social life, do not seek company, and dislike being touched or disturbed.

No visible signs of stress

Unlike other animals, sloths do not show obvious signs of stress. They tend to stay still, but if they are particularly bothered, they can react by biting.

Did you know sloths have large, sharp teeth that they use if necessary? When frightened, they can bite and cause severe injuries. Their teeth serve as an intimidating defense mechanism. If you saw these teeth in a museum, you would never guess they belonged to a sloth.


@The Sloth Conservation Foundation

Stronger than they appear

Aside from their teeth, we must not forget that these animals have a massive build and strength three times that of a human. Unfortunately, despite their wild nature, sloths are often handled and exposed to stress in many zoos.

It’s not uncommon to find activities where visitors can pet sloths or take selfies with them. Specialists warn, however, that these creatures should only be handled by trained personnel. Even then, accidents can happen.

Such practices are risky and send the wrong message, making people believe that wild animals are meant to be cuddled and photographed in their arms.

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