The brutal reality of shark finning

Do you know what shark finning is? The shark fin trade continues to jeopardize the survival of these marine species. For this reason, World Shark Day was established, an opportunity to discuss shark conservation and practices that undermine the objective

Shark Finning - tens of millions of sharks killed yearly Caught in the oceans by fishing vessels, sharks are mutilated while still alive for their fins, thrown back into the sea with lacerated, bleeding bodies, condemned to die in excruciating pain, either by drowning or being preyed upon by other species.

This is the barbarity of shark finning, the practice of cutting off shark fins, which is causing the decline of shark populations worldwide.

A global crisis

Tens of millions of sharks are hunted and killed for their fins each year. It’s estimated that around 100 million sharks are slaughtered annually, primarily for this business—a staggering and unsustainable number for the future of shark species.

Shark fins are considered the most valuable part of the animal and are in high demand in Asia for soups and other dishes. The finning is done either onboard fishing vessels or in ports. Each country has its regulations, but none justify such a cruel practice.

Finning causes immense pain to sharks, which are then abandoned at sea as the rest of the body is deemed useless and not sold. They die from blood loss, suffocation, or the inability to swim.

The fight against shark finning

The alarming rise of the shark finning industry and its devastating impacts have driven around 100 international animal research and conservation organizations to unite in protecting these predators. This led to the formation of the Shark Alliance in 2006.

In 2009, the European Union introduced the Action Plan for the Conservation and Management of Sharks, thanks to the coalition’s efforts. In 2013, the Fins Naturally Attached regulation came into effect, requiring fishing vessels to land sharks with their fins still attached.

A call to action

In response to the ECI, the European Commission has collected opinions and evaluations and will consider adopting legislative measures to end the shark fin trade.

As we mark World Shark Day on July 14, it is imperative to reflect on this brutal practice, which, along with accidental catches and marine pollution, threatens the survival of these crucial animals.

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