The silent decline of the giraffe

The United States government proposes to include giraffes among the species protected by the Endangered Species Act. An important signal to halt the decline, limit the fur trade, and guarantee a future for these inhabitants of the savannah, increasingly threatened by poaching and from climate change

It would appear as if the giraffe-an incredibly tall, narrow neck with spots most always identifiable-has been touted almost unanimously as the emblem of class and sophistication out of Africa. Yet beneath such imposing wonder and graceful composure of this ruminant, the world’s tallest mammal today walks within sober realities-the vanishing of giraffes continues in an alarmingly unknown struggle.

The IUCN reports that giraffe numbers have plummeted about 40% over the last 30 years, fewer than 100,000 remaining today, which is outnumbered even by the more publicized African elephants. But now international attention is finally stirring-most notably in the United States-where new proposed federal protections could turn a corner for these remarkable animals.

US leads charge with new protection proposal

In November 2024, the US Fish and Wildlife Service announced a rule to propose giraffe subspecies for listing under the ESA. If finalized, the rule would impose new restrictions on importing giraffe parts and products-usually manufactured into boots, rugs, book covers, and other decorative items bound for the U.S. market. It is a concrete step in the right direction, attempting to reduce the adverse impacts that international trade has caused to giraffe populations already suffering from poaching, habitat loss, political instability, and climate change.

The United States is an enormous player in the issue at hand. Between 2006 and 2015, an estimated 39,516 giraffes-both dead and alive-entered the country to feed a little-known but lucrative trade. The USFWS proposal would have America face up to its responsibilities, reduce unregulated commerce, and bring additional conservation dollars into giraffe habitats. It would also raise more awareness about the plight of African giraffes.

A long-overdue move

For several years, momentum has built to protect giraffes. In 2019, governments voted at the Conference of the Parties COP18 for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, CITES, to include giraffes in the list of species protected from international trade. But these guidelines lacked teeth that would effect significant change. By invoking the ESA, U.S. policymakers hope to provide not just import restrictions but also investment and incentives to safeguard giraffes in their native environments.

It’s complex and multi-layered: a complex interplay of various factors. Growing human populations have fragmented and reduced habitats, turning them into farmland or urban areas. Climate change has worsened droughts, increasing conflicts between wildlife and humans over limited resources such as water. There’s poaching, too, as giraffes are hunted for their meat, hides, bones, and trophies. This “silent extinction” is unfolding with little of the alarm triggered by other iconic species.

Conservationists praise the move

The U.S. move has been welcomed by environmentalists, not least because it has been a long time coming. Danielle Kessler, U.S. director of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), a strong backer of the move, highlighted its importance. The ESA listing further protects giraffe populations across Africa and recognises the outsized role the United States are playing in the trade of parts and products from giraffe. This she says “could mark perhaps the beginning to change the trend, so that these towering giants do not ride into history.”
Targeting Specific Subspecies
The USFWS proposal does not ùùmake a blanket categorization for all giraffes but targets certain subspecies. Three northern subspecies would be listed as “endangered” and two East African subspecies-the reticulated and Masai giraffes-as “threatened.” In the past decades, northern giraffe populations have fallen by approximately 77% since the 1980s. While the declines in the reticulated and Masai giraffes have been less dramatic, the shrinking numbers of these species are no less alarming.

Challenges ahead

Despite its promise, the proposal’s future is uncertain. Finalization will be complete with public comments open until February 2025. This falls smack in the middle of a politically tumultuous time. A less environmentally “green” administration in the White House might delay or even appeal the measures. Still, the giraffe’s popularity may be the key to transcending party lines, with institutions and the public on both sides of the aisle in support.

A light at the end of the tunnel

A USFWS-proposed listing under the ESA-the actual listing of giraffes-is a lighthouse shining in a landscape filled with despair. The United States takes action as the numbers are being brutally cut down and threats continue to rise: time is running out, and intervention is necessary.


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