The unusual size of ‘Gordo Alberto’: a giant polar bear caught on camera

Gordo Alberto was photographed again in Alaska: his outsized weight, between 1,320 and 1,540 pounds, shows the influence of human activity on this species

Pictures of a really giant polar bear, named “Gordo Alberto“, have recently swept social media with mixed emotions ranging from awe to concern. Taken near Kaktovik, Alaska, by photographer Edward Boudreau, this massive creature could be among the biggest ever recorded.

With a calculated weight ranging from 1,320 to 1,540 pounds, Gordo Alberto is way over the average weight of 990 pounds common for his species. Why is he that heavy? Unfortunately, his case underlines the impact of human activity even on the diet of polar bears.

Whales hunted and left behind in the coastal regions of Alaska become a source of high-calorie food for the bears. Access to such nutrient-rich meals could easily explain Gordo Alberto’s extraordinary size. But it is more than a biological curiosity; it points to much deeper concerns about polar bears’ futures and human activities on Arctic ecosystems.

Polar bears are increasingly threatened

Polar bears represent one of the best-known but also one of the most threatened species. As a result of climate change, ice is rapidly melting and reducing their natural habitat. Because sea ice continues to decline, it’s getting really hard for them to hunt seals, which are their main form of nutrition. A recent study estimated that the world population of polar bears could disappear by the end of the century if global warming remains unabated: it currently has an approximate population of 26,000 animals.

In others, it already is critical: the polar bear population has decreased by some 25-30% in recent years in Alaska’s Beaufort Sea, and in Canada’s Hudson Bay by almost 33% since 1987. The obtained figures evidence the disastrous effect of climate change and that the species cannot adapt to it.

Gordo Alberto reminds one of the challenges faced by polar bears. As much as his pictures have gone viral, they should be an urgent call at the same time to protect the Arctic environment and its species in jeopardy. It is on our actions that depends the future of these magnificently attractive animals.

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