Why do dogs lick? Understanding your pet’s behavior

Does the dog lick us? Normal behavior, but be careful: it doesn't always just mean that the dog loves us. This attitude also has other meanings. Let's discover all the reasons why the dog licks our face, hands, feet, legs...

Many dog owners believe their pets lick them out of love. While this could certainly be true, there are other reasons for this behavior that might have more to do with signaling a behavioral issue than simply showing affection.

It’s up to us to understand the cause to interpret their actions correctly.

Why do dogs lick us? Here are some reasons

People often wonder why their dogs lick their feet and legs, why they lick faces or ears, or why dogs lick their owners’ wounds. A common explanation for this behavior is that it’s a sign of affection and love.

While this can be true, dogs also exhibit this behavior in many different situations. To interpret it correctly, we must consider other factors:

  • Where is the dog licking? Face? Ears? Hands? Feet? Legs?
  • What’s the overall context? Do dogs lick when we come home, when we’re petting them, or when they meet a stranger?
  • Does the dog know the person well, or does it lick even the first stranger it meets?
  • What is the dog’s body language communicating? Is the dog happy and relaxed, alert, or worried?

Knowing that dogs lick each other to gather information about the other dog’s emotional and physical state, here are several reasons why your dog might lick you:

  • Affection: Yes, licking can be a sign of affection and love. It could also be a result of unintentional positive reinforcement from us.
  • Caretaking: Dogs lick to care for their coats, provide parental care to puppies, or when there is a wound. Your dog might be licking you as a sign of caring for you (which explains why dogs sometimes lick their owners’ wounds).
  • Request: Puppies lick their mother’s muzzle to stimulate her to regurgitate food for them (which explains why puppies might lick your face as soon as you get close to them; it’s an instinctive behavior). This behavior may continue into adulthood, translating into a request for attention.
  • Stopping a Behavior: There are cases where dogs lick not because they are happy or want more affection but for the opposite reason. For instance, some dogs lick when they want us to stop what we are doing, but without resorting to biting. If a dog licks your hands, it might be asking for attention, but if you stop petting it and the dog moves away, the licking was likely a polite request to stop. If the dog returns to touch your hand, it was seeking attention and affection.
  • Stress and Anxiety: If a dog licks excessively, it could be a way to self-soothe. But if a dog needs to relax, it means it is experiencing stress or anxiety. In this case, it’s important to determine what is stressing the dog: the presence of another dog, poor management by the owner, or separation anxiety? (READ also: “How Unexpected Household Noises Can Make Your Dog Stressed and Nervous”)

What to do when your dog licks your hands, legs, or face?

It depends. If your dog is licking because it is happy and seeking attention, and if you don’t find it intolerable, let it happen. It is still a positive interaction.

However, if the dog licks excessively, perhaps because it is stressed, anxious, or nervous, or if it does so to stop your behavior, it would be wise to pay attention and try to understand what is making the dog uncomfortable. In such cases, there should be other signs of anxiety and stress. If you cannot determine the problem, consider contacting a behavioral veterinarian.

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