A new chapter in ocean protection opens in Australia

Australia has announced the expansion of the Heard Island and McDonald Islands Subantarctic Marine Park, reaching 52% of its waters. But scientists and environmental groups say some important areas for penguins, albatrosses and seals have not been adequately protected.

The government in Australia has announced the expansion of a subantarctic marine park around the remote Heard and McDonald Islands, about 2,485 miles southwest of Perth. The announcement by the Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, was made with much fanfare, and it was hailed as a historic victory for marine conservation.

Australia will shortly be protecting 52% of its ocean territory, more than any other country in the world,” said Plibersek at the press conference. “This is not just a huge win for Australia – it’s a huge win for the world”.

The expansion adds over 115,000 square miles of protected ocean, quadrupling the size of the marine park around the Heard and McDonald Islands. According to Plibersek, this is well above the international target of 30% protection of marine areas by 2030 which Australia signed onto two years ago. The islands, officially set aside as a “wildlife refuge,” include glaciers, wetlands, and the country’s only active volcanoes, along with hundreds of unique species, including king penguins, albatrosses, and fur seals.

Critics among scientists

While the announcement is hailed as a success, to scientists and environmental groups, the development is not quite that rosy, with some key concerns being raised.

A coalition of 27 groups operating under the banner Save Our Marine Life welcomed the expansion but pointed out that many critical areas for endangered species were not protected. “Important underwater canyons and seamounts, which harbour unique biodiversity were not included in the sanctuaries,” said Fiona Maxwell, National Oceans Manager for Pew Charitable Trusts.

Maxwell explained that the Australian government’s very own science report made it quite clear that feeding grounds for albatrosses, macaroni penguins, and other marine species were not adequately protected. “The expansion is certainly significant, but it is a rare missed opportunity to offer world-class protection for these critical areas,” she added. Many scientists say not giving the most vulnerable areas the highest level of protection can threaten the region’s biodiversity.

Fishing in protected areas

Besides, scientists raise another big concern about allowing commercial fishing within the marine protected areas. Richard Leck, Oceans Manager for WWF, said he was worried fishing was still allowed in areas of high conservation value: “While this expansion is a positive step, it remains a missed opportunity. We cannot effectively protect a marine ecosystem if we allow activities that directly harm it“, said Leck.

Such is the case in Australia, for instance, where fishing and even mining are allowed in parts of marine parks. Such a compromise invites questions as to whether actual protection is being provided in areas of high biodiversity.

Climate change impacts

Another highly relevant factor in the protection of these remote and fragile areas is climate change.

The Heard and McDonald Islands are among some of the least disturbed places on Earth from human activity, and they lie 1,056 miles off the Antarctic coast. However, global warming is rapidly shifting the delicate balance of the Southern Ocean. “Climate change is affecting everything from krill to whales,” said Darren Kindleysides, CEO of the Australian Marine Conservation Society. “Without proper protection, we cannot ensure that these marine ecosystems can adapt and survive.”

Scientists believe extensive marine sanctuaries free from injurious human activities are needed to build resilience in these areas against climate change. The recent decisions taken by the government thus seem to move in the right direction but are insufficient.

A scientific community warns that excitement over the expanded marine parks must not obscure what has been poorly protected. Save Our Marine Life has pointed out that protection afforded by “no-take” sanctuaries-where activities such as fishing are completely prohibited-applies to less than 25% of Australia’s marine protected areas. That throws into doubt whether or not the country truly protects more ocean than any other country, as the government has claimed.

“Last year the government showed global leadership by expanding the marine park around Macquarie Island. This year, however it missed the opportunity to do the same for Heard and McDonald,” said Kindleysides. The next review of the marine park will be in 2025 leaving a number of issues that have not been resolved.
. The next review of the marine park will not take place until 2025, leaving several issues unresolved.

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