Andean glaciers retreating at unprecedented rate, study finds

A study published in Science reveals that the phenomenon is putting local ecosystems and the water resources of millions of people at risk. Climatologist Serena Giacomin explained to GreenMe the repercussions of this emergency

The majestic peaks of the Andes, once crowned with perennial glaciers, are losing their white cover at an alarming pace. A study conducted by a team of researchers from Boston College and published in the prestigious journal Science confirms this: Andean tropical glaciers are retreating at a speed unprecedented in the geological era we have lived in for nearly 12,000 years.

This phenomenon has significant implications for the entire Andean ecosystem and for the millions of people who depend on its water resources. The accelerated melting of the glaciers not only threatens local biodiversity but could also jeopardize water supplies for agriculture, industry, and human consumption.

Research findings

The international research team used isotopic measurements of beryllium-10 and carbon-14 on exposed rocks, previously covered by glaciers, to reconstruct the climatic history of the region. The results were unequivocal: current temperatures and the consequent ice melt have surpassed any limits experienced during the Holocene, indicating an acceleration of climate change.

To delve deeper into the implications of this discovery, we interviewed Serena Giacomin, a physicist, climatologist, and meteorologist.

How severe and concerning is the current condition of the Andean glaciers?

“The situation is extremely serious and negatively surprising. This phenomenon not only signals premature distress beyond expectations but also potential devastating impacts on local ecosystems and freshwater reserves on which millions of people depend.”

Causes of Glacier Retreat

Why is this phenomenon occurring?

“The retreat of the Andean tropical glaciers is primarily caused by rising atmospheric temperatures. The warming is accelerating the ice melt in an unprecedented way. Isotopic measurements of beryllium-10 and carbon-14 on exposed rocks, previously covered by glaciers, prove that current temperatures and thus ice melt have surpassed Holocene limits, our current geological epoch which began 11,700 years ago.”

What do the study’s results teach us?

“Global warming is having dramatic and immediate effects on tropical glaciers; this is not about the future, but the present. The speed at which glaciers are melting is a key indicator of human impact on the climate. Moreover, it demonstrates—once again—that the tropics have entered a phase of warming never seen during the Holocene, an epoch dominated by human influence on the planet. Tropical glaciers are particularly vulnerable to climate change due to higher temperatures in tropical regions, their high sensitivity to climate changes, and the reduced snow accumulation that can preserve the ice. These factors make tropical glaciers highly sensitive and early indicators of global climate changes.”

What actions do we need to take to reverse the trend?

“Mitigation and adaptation are always the key words in combating the climate crisis. It is essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable energy policies, promote the use of renewable energies, and improve energy efficiency. Locally, communities can work to improve water resource management and develop adaptation strategies to cope with glacier loss. It is also crucial to increase public awareness about the effects of climate change and encourage responsible behaviors.”

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