Tackling smog in Pakistan’s Punjab: near-total outdoor ban imposed

A layer of smog envelops much of Pakistani Punjab with serious consequences for the health of citizens: to combat pollution, an almost total block on outdoor activities has been imposed

Authorities in Pakistan’s Punjab region, the country’s most populous area, have clamped a near-total ban on outdoor activities to fight off severe pollution levels. This decision comes in the wake of alarming smog levels in heavy population areas, including Lahore, the regional capital that is believed to have an estimated 13-million-strong population and is the second-largest city of Pakistan.

Now, most of Punjab is under a thick layer of smog, extending onto the Indian border-something that NASA’s satellite images have even captured. This includes a ban on sports events, exhibitions, and festivals, along with the closure of most outdoor dining areas.

Outdoor religion activities are also permitted to continue but with heightened precautions and some prohibitions as a safety measure to the participants. Public parks and museums have also been closed since last Friday and markets and shops in various districts had been ordered to scale down business hours.

Increase in respiratory diseases and eye disorders

Due to this, all schools in Lahore and other major cities have been closed till at least November 17 on behalf of the health concern of the students. The closure of schools shows just how smog is affecting the children. A UNICEF official in Pakistan sounded the alarm recently over the risks from the pollution affecting more than 11 million children in the region.

The health consequences are already being registered: the authorities report a significant increase in respiratory problems and eye infections, such as conjunctivitis and inflammation. Over 40,000 people have received outpatient care for respiratory problems in recent days, according to official information, underlining the gravity of the crisis.

Although authorities have made the use of protective masks compulsory to reduce health risks, the population still barely respects this rule, which contributes more to aggravating the work of coping with the public health emergency.

Health, economy, and urgent action needed

This environmental disaster has brought trauma not only to public health but also to the economy in general for the region, since all important businesses, such as commerce and education, are severely affected by the restrictions.

Air pollution is a recurring problem in Pakistan, which has hit the Punjab region multiple times throughout the year. This requires immediate remedial measures to decrease exposure to hazardous levels of smog among residents.

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