Bottled water versus tap water? A conflict as old as the world, but when the parties feel called into question directly there is none for anyone: this is the case of the US city of Cleveland, "forced" to carry out analyzes to demonstrate that its water is better

Several years ago, Fiji Water came out with a very contentious ad campaign that basically had the tagline: “The label says Fiji because it’s not bottled in Cleveland.” The city of Cleveland, Ohio, did not appreciate being made the subject of such an advertisement. Local authorities retaliated by performing tests which proved to be no surprise to anyone: Cleveland tap water is actually better than Fiji bottled water.
“Label says Fiji because it’s not Cleveland-made”
The tests were carried out at independent Cleveland laboratory CWM, which is accredited by the EPA. Experts on lead, copper, bacteria, and nitrates analyzed city tap water, as well as several major brands of bottled water, including Aquafina, Dasani, Smart Water, Fiji, and store-brand name bottled water available in supermarkets.
The result was unequivocal: the quality and flavor of Fiji Water were inferior to Cleveland’s tap water, and the price difference was astronomical.
The history of Fiji water
Canadian businessman David Gilmour began bottling Fiji Water in his business, Natural Waters of Viti Ltd, in 1996. Despite the name, the company is based in Los Angeles, California—not Fiji.
The water is sourced from an artesian aquifer in the island of Viti Levu, which is among the biggest in Fiji.
The controversy erupted in 2006 when Gilmour’s firm began an advertising campaign implying the natural superiority of Fiji Water by stating that it “is not bottled in Cleveland.”
Cleveland’s Department of Water was outraged and decided to test the statement. They conducted a study comparing the tap water of Cleveland with Fiji Water.
The results of the test
Each of the tested water supplies, even Cleveland’s tap water, cleared EPA’s stringent criteria, and amounts of impurities were a matter of orders of magnitude under allowed limits. Yet there was one big condition: Fiji Water wasn’t only lower in quality and taste compared with Cleveland tap water but thousands times more costly as well.
Parents who participated in the study initially favored bottled water because of a sense of greater safety, particularly during pregnancy. However, the tests revealed a significant cost difference—a concern for large families.
This is a reminder that when one is comparing bottled water and tap water, one must remember that bottled water is less regulated. Bottling firms are primarily concerned with satisfying the demand for perceived safety on the part of consumers. But why would anyone choose a product that is less sustainable, less flavorful, and far more expensive, when there is a superior alternative available at home for free?
The comparison between Fiji Water and Cleveland tap water illustrates that, apart from exceptions, tap water is the cheaper, safer, and eco-friendly option. Other than marketing campaigns, the facts speak for themselves: drinking tap water not only helps save money but also ensures an excellent quality.