Meditation techniques for better sleep

Sleeping in the heat is a real challenge to yourself. We try them all every night, but have you ever thought about good, old, simple relaxation? But how to achieve complete relaxation?

The combination of stickiness and sweating, with a forehead damp with perspiration, can make sleeping during hot weather a real challenge. If keeping the air conditioning on all night isn’t an option for ethical or cost-saving reasons, we must find alternative ways to sleep comfortably. But how?

You’ve counted sheep, applied a cold mask to your eyes, and even turned off your smartphone an hour before bed, but nothing seems to work. Have you tried meditation for sleep?

The importance of sleep and meditation

Poor sleep can lead to irritability, concentration problems, and exhaustion. This is where bedtime meditation can be beneficial. Often, we underestimate the importance of relaxation. Simple yet powerful techniques can not only bring a sense of calm but also help manage everyday situations that cause anxiety and stress.

What is sleep meditation?

You may already be aware of the benefits of meditation, but sleep meditation is a different concept.

Meditation is broadly defined as intentionally setting aside time to train the mind to be more present. Sleep meditation, however, refers specifically to using this practice to achieve greater calm and fulfillment just before bed, thereby improving sleep quality.

Scientific research shows that regular practice of meditation and mindfulness helps reduce stress and anxiety, which are major causes of sleep problems, explains Eve Lewis Prieto, Director of Meditation at Headspace.

Have you ever wondered why you feel more anxious once you’re in bed? The reality is that we’re so busy during the day that we don’t notice these thoughts. Once we lie down and are still, everything seems amplified.

Meditation helps by teaching us to create a distance between ourselves and these sensations, allowing the mind to rest and better understand our mental tendencies. In essence, it helps us let go of worries and calm a tense body.

Pre-bedtime practices

  • To create a relaxing atmosphere, consider using candles and diffusing calming scents, such as lavender essential oil, which promotes a tranquil environment conducive to sleep.
  • Music: Music can significantly aid relaxation, promoting tranquility and preparing the body for sleep.
  • Yoga Poses: Experimenting with yoga poses can also help. Ideal poses for better rest include the Tree, Mountain, Cobra, Butterfly, Camel, and Bear poses.
  • Breathing Exercises: Controlled breathing exercises are particularly useful at bedtime. These can involve a four-step process: inhale for four seconds, hold for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, and then hold your breath for another four seconds.
The article draws upon studies published and recommendations from international institutions and/or experts. We do not make claims in the medical-scientific field and report the facts as they are. Sources are indicated at the end of each article.
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