Ultrasound technology transforms coffee brewing

A new method using ultrasound promises to produce cold coffee in minutes. The research, led by the University of Queensland (Australia), has led to the development of a machine that accelerates the cold brewing of ground coffee beans

A research team led by the University of Queensland in Australia has announced the development of an innovative ultrasound machine that speeds up the cold brewing process of ground coffee beans. Typically, cold brewing takes between 12 to 24 hours, but this new technology can deliver excellent cold brew coffee in less than three minutes.

Collaboration boosts innovation

Engineers from the University of New South Wales collaborated on physically developing the ultrasound machine to expedite the cold infusion of ground coffee beans. The team adapted a patented sound transmission system to an existing coffee machine model, enhancing its efficiency remarkably.

A leap forward in coffee making

“Once again, Australia has new technology within reach that moves us from traditional methods of coffee preparation to modern ones,” comments Jaqueline Moura Nadolny, co-author of the study. This innovation provides consumers with a new, premium experience.

Taste test proves successful

The “goodness” test, conducted through trained sensory panels, showed that the taste profile of the ultrasonic cold brew is very similar to both traditional cold brew and espresso, but is prepared in the time it takes to make a hot espresso.

Transforming coffee baskets into ultrasonic reactors

The system connects a bolted transducer to the dispensing basket via a metallic horn, turning the coffee basket into a powerful ultrasonic reactor. This process accelerates the extraction of oils, flavors, and aromas from the ground coffee.

“We are very excited about this technology,” explains Francisco Trujillo, another co-author. It enables companies already producing coffee machines to offer consumers the chance to enjoy a three-minute ultrasonic cold brew at home.

Potential for industrial scale production

Moreover, if confirmed and scaled to an industrial production system, this technology could also enable bars and restaurants to produce on-demand brews comparable to 24-hour cold brews around the clock.

The research has been published in Ultrasonics Sonochemistry.

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