Understanding Stockholm Syndrome: the complexities of a psychological paradox

Let's talk about Stockholm syndrome: what it is, what the symptoms are, the causes and how it is treated

Stockholm Syndrome is a complex, paradoxical psychological condition in that some victims of violence create with their aggressor an emotional bond. The objectivity of this can be taken as completely absurd, but what it says is that humans can adapt themselves to extreme situations, even at the cost of allying themselves with those who threaten them. It was initially observed in cases of kidnappings and abductions. Nowadays, the syndrome is also identified within the relational dynamics more ordinary in their character, such as family or romantic relationships where psychological manipulation, rather than physical violence, would prevail.

Stockholm Syndrome: why it’s called that

The term “Stockholm Syndrome” was coined following a highly publicized incident in 1973 in the Swedish capital. During the robbery at Sveriges Kreditbank, four employees were held hostage for over five days. Surprisingly, apart from just feeling terror and aversion with their captors, the victims developed some kind of affection for their oppressors. This bond grew so strong that one of the victims even started a romantic relationship with one of the robbers, and all of them later pleaded for leniency for their captors during the trial. This confusing reaction drew psychologists’ attention and led to defining what is nowadays called Stockholm Syndrome.

How does Stockholm Syndrome develop?

But how does this strange and paradoxical bond come into being? It is a very complicated process, unfolding in time.

First of all, the victim feels shocked and terrified. But over time, of course, the imperatives of survival create a sort of psychological accommodation in which the captive begins to view even slight manifestations of humanity on the part of their captor-food, water, etc.-not only as merciful acts but also as evidence that the captor is not completely evil. The victim rationalizes, in this context, the violence done to them and further legitimizes it because the offender is perceived not as a threat, but as a protector.

This development of Stockholm Syndrome is further heightened by the isolation from the outside world. When the victim is taken away from the external support, the aggressor becomes the only source for one as far as the entire human contact is concerned and thus emotional dependence heightens. Gradually, the victim attunes to their captor’s perspective, even going so far as to rationalize and even support their actions.

Stockholm Syndrome beyond kidnappings

Apart from kidnappings, Stockholm Syndrome may also become evident in any form of relationship that is heavily unequal, such as familial or romantic relationships characterized by psychological or physical abuse. In such situations, the victim usually becomes economically or emotionally dependent on their partner and develops an emotional attachment to them that enables them to justify the abuse they endure and to stay in the relationship despite pain and suffering. Such a submissive form comes as, usually called “Stockholm Syndrome in love,” complete with total emotional dependence wherein the weaker partner rationalizes every mistreatment in hopes that the so-called “stronger” partner might change over time.

Recognizing symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome

Understanding this condition is not only very important for making identifications and helping victims, but also for avoiding it.Symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome can be quite varied and range from feelings of affection or love for the aggressor, distrust towards the authorities or other persons who try to help, up to constant rationalization with an attempt to justify the actions of the captor. In some extreme cases, such a victim can further go out in public to defend his aggressor, lie just to protect him, and refuse any kind of psychological help.

Causes of Stockholm Syndrome

There are a variety of causes, amongst which the main factor is the perceived threat to one’s life, in which the victim would have to collaborate with their kidnapper in order to avoid further harm. Small acts of kindness by the aggressor can be a way of forming the emotional connection since the victim starts to believe that such acts are ways to show humanness and the violence suffered is ignored or minimized.

It is in this respect that isolation is key: without the outside world, a victim no longer has the capacity to judge the real world correctly; their judgment becomes blurred by continuous contact with the aggressor.

Finally, to think of the impossibility of escaping, for whatever reason it might be-economic or emotional-consolidates dependence on and attachment to the captor.

These factors create a vicious cycle wherein the victim becomes increasingly attached to his aggressor, eventually losing the ability even to recognize the abuse for what it is. Naturally, it can be all the more destructive in romantic relationships since the emotional attachment makes it so difficult for the victim to come into awareness and reach out for help.

Stockholm Syndrome: the silent enemy

One of the vicious circles of Stockholm Syndrome is how it leads the victim to deny his or her own pathological condition.Those affected by the syndrome typically deny outright that anything is wrong. They feel they are correctly and rightfully attached to their aggressor. Because of this denial, the interference by friends and family becomes very tricky to handle as any interference in the victim’s life may be seen as an intrusion into their independent choice.

How to treat Stockholm Syndrome

Treating Stockholm Syndrome requires a sensitive and specialized method of handling.

Psychotherapy is always necessary to reconstitute the victim’s identity and emotional detachment from the aggressor. Psychotherapists destroy the cognitive distortions that led the hostage to feel good about their kidnapper; thus, the victim will recognize the abuse and recover some of the lost autonomy and self-esteem.

In more serious situations, medication for anxiety and depression control can be prescribed by a psychiatrist, being usual comorbid conditions with this syndrome.

Equally valuable is the support of one’s family and friends. The people around the victim should be supportive and understanding and not judge them or put them under pressure to make a decision right away. They must show the victim that they are loved and cared for even after all the bad decisions they made. One must also have a lot of patience because recovering can take time and is difficult.

Stockholm Syndrome is the most expressive example of human consciousness’ potentialities to adapt to painful or coercive situations. The understanding of this phenomenon gives many important lessons not only for treatment but also for the prevention of abuse in all its manifestations. And the first step in the chain of actions for breaking the circle of violence and for protection of a weak side from a destructive relationship is awareness.

Stockholm Syndrome is not only a theoretical psychological phenomenon but a practical reality that may affect or occur with anyone, anywhere. Whatever the type of kidnapping, abusive relationship, or oppressed work situation, one should have knowledge about the symptoms of the syndrome for timely interference and offering the required support. Knowledge and awareness of those issues are potent armors to combat abuses and violence, which make the difference between a life of sufferings and a future of freedom and dignity.

The article draws upon studies published and recommendations from international institutions and/or experts. We do not make claims in the medical-scientific field and report the facts as they are. Sources are indicated at the end of each article.
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