Maria Antonia Cuero: the world’s oldest living person?

Maria Antonia Cuero could become the oldest woman in the world at 122 years old, a milestone achieved thanks to the fact that she has always given priority to health

Maria Antonia Cuero, a Colombian citizen aged 122, is on the brink of being recognized as the oldest living person in the world. If confirmed, this acknowledgment would bring great prestige to both her and Colombia. Her potential rise to this title follows the passing of Spanish Maria Branyas Morera, who was 116 years old.

Cuero’s remarkable longevity has attracted international attention, sparking curiosity about her lifestyle and health habits. Born on October 18, 1901, in a small town in Valle del Cauca, Maria Antonia Cuero has witnessed over a century of history, experiencing vast global and local changes.

Despite the many transformations around her, Cuero has maintained a simple yet disciplined lifestyle, which she credits for her longevity. Unlike many of her peers, she has always prioritized her health, regularly attending medical check-ups and diligently following doctors’ advice.

This proactive approach to health, particularly rare among the elderly, has been crucial to her long life. Her dedication not only kept her in good health but also made her a subject of study for gerontologists and longevity researchers.

Eight children and fishing until recently

Maria Antonia Cuero was born into a large family with 16 siblings and had eight children of her own. Until a few years ago, she was still able to paddle a canoe and go fishing by herself. Her personal history is closely intertwined with that of Colombia.

When she was born, the first motor vehicles had just been introduced, Colombia’s population was only 5 million, and the first airplane flight had yet to occur. During that period, Colombia faced numerous challenges, including the construction of the Panama Canal and a typhoid epidemic that nearly decimated Bogotá’s population. Nevertheless, she managed to survive all these adversities.

If her record is verified and confirmed, Maria Antonia Cuero will be entered into the Guinness World Records as the world’s oldest woman, demonstrating once again how a healthy lifestyle and strict discipline are key contributors to achieving longevity.

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