South Korea tests four-day workweek in Gyeonggi province

South Korea wants to test the four-day work week in an experiment involving more than 50 organizations, abandoning its extremely intense work culture

South Korea has recently launched a pilot program to test a four-day workweek in the Gyeonggi Province. This experiment involves over 50 organizations, where employees can choose between two options: a four-day workweek every two weeks or a reduction in weekly working hours.

This initiative is part of a growing global movement promoting shorter working hours without sacrificing productivity. South Korea is well-known for its intense work culture, with some of the highest annual working hours in the world.

This has sparked significant discussions about worker well-being and the balance between work and private life. In late 2023, the South Korean government even considered extending the maximum workweek to 69 hours, a proposal that was withdrawn due to strong protests, particularly among young people who highlighted the negative effects on their health and quality of life.

Fewer children due to stressful work conditions

The shift towards a shorter workweek also reflects the country’s concerns over low fertility rates and a declining population, problems many attribute to the pressure exerted by its work culture. Many women, in particular, feel forced to choose between their careers and families, contributing to growing dissatisfaction.

While the reduction in working hours seems promising for improving employee well-being, not all studies agree on its benefits. However, the reduction in hours could be particularly advantageous for those workers who cannot work remotely, as it offers an opportunity to perceive work as less stressful and more satisfying.

A step towards rethinking traditional work models

The experiment in South Korea represents a significant step in rethinking the traditional work model and could have meaningful implications for the future of work, not only in Asia—where working hours are often prohibitive—but also globally, as the trend towards shorter workweeks continues to grow.

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