An extraordinary discovery in Egypt: the tomb of Tetinebefou, royal physician and high priest

A 4,100-year-old tomb belonging to Tetinebefou, a royal physician and enchanter of the goddess Serket, has emerged in Saqqara: the discovery enriches knowledge of ancient Egyptian medicine and funerary practices

What appears to be the discovery of the century has been made at Saqqara, the sacred necropolis southward of Cairo: the tomb of physician-priest Tetinebefou, dated 4,100 years ago. The remarkably well-decorated tomb featured bright-colored paintings and inscribed hieroglyphics that offered new insights into life and culture within the Old Kingdom of Egypt.

Tetinebefou was no ordinary man. His titles described him as the “enchanter of the goddess Serket,” the “director of medicinal plants,” and the “chief dentist.” According to archaeologists, such unique qualifications can only point out one thing-that he should have been the chief physician attached with the royal court and, quite probably, in charge of the health of the pharaoh himself.

The goddess Tetinebefou served, Serket, was revered for the power to protect against the scorpion stings, thus a symbol for healing and protection and directly relating to the responsibilities of the priest. The title “director of medicinal plants” is particularly uncommon; to date, it was known from only one other inscription of this period. Similarly, his knowledge of dentistry represents a rare source in the annals of ancient Egyptian medicine.

The tomb to recall daily life from the Old Kingdom

Even without its original sarcophagus, one enormous stone box remains within with hieroglyphs outlining a number including the name and title of Tetinebefo in life, wall paintings displaying offering scenes with several funerals that decorated an all-too-usual false door destined for helping to enable travel beyond into another form.

Archaeologists believe that the site was probably plundered in ancient times, but that has not deterred them from gathering valuable information. Philippe Collombert, head of the Swiss-French research team leading the excavation, said:

“This discovery provides new insights into culture and daily life during the reign of Pepi II, of the Sixth Dynasty.”

This is not the first time ancient Egypt has left historians agog with its medical advancements. It is a sophisticated civilization, he with his titles, which 4,000 years ago was performing such advanced procedures as the removal of brain tumors, as stated in earlier findings. His proficiency in treating ailing people and his position within the royal court illustrate the appreciation for health and science in the Old Kingdom.

The present discovery, put together with other recent finds, continues to shed light on history to expose the most intriguingly cultured and scientifically refined civilization ever.

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