New solar technology produces electricity after sunset

Gli scienziati dell'Università di Stanford hanno ideato un dispositivo integrabile sui pannelli fotovoltaici tradizionali, grazie al quale è possibile produrre energia anche sotto i raggi lunari. Il principio alla base di questo generatore termoelettrico è il cosiddetto raffreddamento radiativo.

Scientists at Stanford University have now attempted to overcome the challenge of generating electricity at night with a different kind of solar panel that could generate power well after the sun has set. This new study provides a solution to the challenge of night-time production, hence the assurance of energy availability round the clock.

Radiative cooling: the core of the research

The research, published on the Applied Physics Letters of the American Institute of Physics, centers around the principle of radiative cooling. At night, solar panels shed heat that has been stored during the day and eventually cool to a temperature below the ambient air surrounding them. The researchers from the study exploited this temperature difference to generate electricity.

Integration of thermoelectric generators into solar cells

It is for this reason that the researchers incorporated a thermoelectric generator into traditional solar cells to have these generate electricity during both day and night. In daylight, the modules produce “traditional” photovoltaic energy, while at night, once the sun has gone down, the device uses the difference in temperature between the solar panel and the air to produce power. That way, it is possible for the panel to generate some electricity in complete darkness. The thermoelectric generator allows not only nighttime generation but also further assists in improving daytime generation due to power-doubled panel temperatures from the now combined system.

Ease in replication and scaling of design

The invention is designed with ease of replication in mind. The system was developed using materials and components that are readily available, thus making it much easier for larger institutions to adopt and implement the technology. Besides, it can also be applied to existing installations of solar panels-which at once expands the circle of its spread and application.

Source: Applied Physic Letters

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