Revolutionary cooling film: a game-changer for energy-efficient climate control

A "film" for roofs that cools homes almost as much as air conditioners, without consuming electricity. It uses radiivity to keep the panels and any fluid inside them cool, reducing the temperature up to 8°C below ambient.

Imagine a film that can cool your home almost as effectively as an air conditioner, but without consuming any electricity. This innovative technology, which leverages radiative cooling (similar to buildings with zigzag walls), can be applied to the roofs of homes. According to the company behind this invention, the solution has the distinct advantage of staying cooler than the surrounding air. Currently, the film is being tested on mobile homes in the United States—a strategic choice, given that these structures are more susceptible to rising temperatures due to their lack of effective thermal insulation.

How it works

The technology is called the SkyCool System, a cooling panel designed to enhance the efficiency of air conditioning or refrigeration systems. A dual-mode film is applied to the top surface of each panel. This film reflects sunlight to prevent the panels from heating up and radiates heat toward the sky during cooler hours, thereby keeping the panels—and any fluid flowing within them—cool 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The panels can achieve temperatures up to 14°F below the ambient temperature without using any electricity.

Energy savings potential

Traditional air conditioners are proving to be a crucial ally in combating heat, but they come with significant energy consumption. The company states that air conditioning and refrigeration systems account for approximately 25% of the world’s electricity production and are responsible for 7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. When used as an additional component to home climate control, this system can improve efficiency by 10% to 40%. If it eventually replaces air conditioning systems entirely, the developers anticipate a reduction in energy consumption for cooling by 80% to 90%. However, the company is still grappling with a significant challenge: the high production cost of the film, a hurdle that might be overcome with increased production.

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