Made up of 16 stones, much smaller than those of the more famous English site, Stoplesteinan was probably built on top of a burial site

Di Jon Magne Bøe/Wikipedia
In the enchanting and somewhat mysterious land of Norway, known for its trolls and fairytale creatures, lies an enigmatic site called “Stoplesteinan”, often referred to as the ‘Stonehenge’ of Norway.
Location and structure
Located near Egersund in Rogaland County, the site is reached by climbing a steep hill via a small path. The circle, composed of 16 stones, with the tallest standing approximately 4 feet above the ground, derives its name from the word “stopla,” meaning heap or pile.
The stones are spaced between 5 and 10 feet apart, and the entire circle has a diameter of 69 feet. Its origins remain shrouded in mystery: some scholars suggest it dates back to the Viking Age, while others believe it is a funerary monument.
Theories and speculations
Proponents of the Viking theory argue that it was a court from the period between 800-1000 AD. However, the more widely accepted theory is the latter. The monument is believed to have been erected atop a burial site.
Similar stone circles are not uncommon in southern Scandinavia, where they were a typical funerary architecture during the Iron Age. In Sweden, for example, they are called “Domarringar,” often featuring an odd number of stones and a large stone facing east.
A miniature stonehenge?
The nickname ‘miniature Stonehenge’ is solely due to the resemblance between the two sites. While a ritual significance of the Norwegian monument cannot be ruled out, there is currently no evidence of any “spiritual connection” with the English stone circle.
SOURCES: visitegersund/dalanefolkemuseum